Vedanta.gr, offered by the Vedanta Study Circle in Athens, Greece (see About Us), is inspired by the universal teachings of the Vedanta —the perennial, practical wisdom contained in the Vedas and the Upanishads of India, the earliest known religio-philosophical texts in the world— as demonstrated in the lives and utterances of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and other great Sages of India, ancient and recent.
This personal website is an attempt to share some essential information on the Vedanta as existing today in the pluralistic, living Indian spiritual and cultural heritage—that first became known to the West in the late-18th and 19th centuries—aspects of which (such as meditation, hatha yoga etc.) became popular in the USA during the 60s of the 20th century.
Today, owing to the spread of secularisation, interest in organised religion as an on-going discipleship has shrunk in the West, and there is a rising curiosity about “eastern ideas”, "yoga", “secret teachings” etc.—that offer disciplines for achieving various purposes. And this demand has produced the many teachers that currently come and go between East and West, who no doubt benefit some people. The key philosophical concepts of the Vedanta can help us better understand the value of both the eastern teachings and the western ones that are being neglected.
It has been said: "You do not have to know very much, but you need to practice what you know". From the following, one may gather the little that one needs, and also much more…
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What is Vedanta? — An introductory overview with a suggested initial-reading focus.
Personalities — Glimpses of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda, Adi Shankara, Ramana Maharshi and other Sages, with quotes and suggested initial reading.
Library ‣ Books — Important titles culled from the enormous mass of published material on theoretical and practical aspects of Indian Philosophy and Religion, Ethics and Culture. A number of these titles are available for reading online or download.
Library ‣ Articles ‣ Alphabetical / Author Index— Articles on practical aspects of the above topics, as PDFs to read or download for later study. Here, the seeker will find specific guidelines and answers to questions regarding spiritual practice.
Library ‣ Articles ‣ Archive — Click here to view latest additions.
Library ‣ Vedanta Magazine — The Quarterly published by Swami Yatiswarananda from Switzerland in 1937 and 1938; includes a wonderful collection of quotes from all mystical traditions.
Library ‣ Multimedia — Some audio and video.
Library ‣ Glossary of Sanskrit Terms.
Links — Access to several webpages of serious interest, out of the plethora available on the internet.
Reports of any broken links will be greatly appreciated .